What does a P&C President do?

Feb 8, 2022 | Update

The P&C President role includes:

  • providing leadership and facilitating communication between P&C, Principal, and school community
  • providing leadership and collaboration with other executive committee members and the school community
  • chairing general meetings and reports about P&C activities to meetings
  • chairing general executive meetings (as required)
  • encouraging family and community participation in P&C activities
  • welcoming new members and supports volunteers and P&C members as required
  • signatory on bank accounts
  • the President is automatically a member on sub-committees.

For detailed role descriptions for all positions check out the P&C Website, www.lathampandc.org.au/about

AGM – Tuesday 15th February 2022 @ 7.30pm via Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83904862081…

Meeting ID: 839 0486 2081

Passcode: 572244


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