About Us

Who we are

The Latham Primary School Parents and Citizen Association (P&C) is a volunteer-run organisation that is here to support the school and community. 

All Latham Primary School parents and carers are automatically members of the P&C, so welcome! 

We hold meetings twice per term, please join us. Latest dates can be found on the Home page.

What we do

We are focussed on supporting our children, our families, the school and the greater community through:

  • providing low cost uniforms through our Uniform Shop
  • offering cost effective healthy food choices provided by our Latham Lunchbox Canteen
  • hosting  free nutritious breakfasts for students at the Breakfast Club
  • giving children the opportunity to thank their parents and significant others with their chosen gifts on Mother’s and Father’s Day
  • providing assistance to families who need it through helping out with uniforms and school lunches
  • organising fun events for children and/or families like discos, movie nights and school fetes
  • fundraising to enhance students’ learning experiences
  • sponsoring the Community Hub and school P&C website

The Committee is here to listen to our families and can facilitate discussions between parents and the school regarding any issues or concerns and where possible, we can provide assistance to our families who need it.  

    All money raised is always delivered back to the children in the form of resources, activities or experiences.

    Our Committee

    A small energetic group of parents and carers are elected each year to form an Executive Committee, who manage the affairs of the Association.

    If you would like an executive role on the Committee we hold our elections each year at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in early term 1 each year. 

    Our current executive roles are:

    President: Katherine Thorogood
    Vice President: VACANT
    Treasurer (and Public Officer): Ross McGrath
    Secretary: Neera Stephensen

      Other P&C roles:

      Communications Officer: Mikaela D
      Fundraising and Social Events Coordinator: Louise Mundy
      Uniform Shop Coordinator: Cait G
      Breakfast Club Coordinator: Amy Lee
      Canteen Coordinator: Barbara K
      Donations Coordinator: Chantelle Acheson
      Grants and Submissions Coordinator: Kath P
      P&C Council Delegate: Frances S
      Independent Auditor:VACANT
      Website developer: Roxanne T
      Gardens & Grounds Coordinator: VACANT

      Role Descriptions


      (Office bearer)

      • provides leadership and facilitates communication between P&C, Principal, and school community
      • leadership and collaboration with other executive committee members and the school community
      • chairs general meetings and reports about P&C activities to meetings
      • chairs general executive meetings (as required)
      • encourages family and community participation in P&C activities
      • welcomes new members and supports volunteers and P&C members as required
      • signatory on bank accounts
      • the President is automatically a member on sub-committees.

      (Office bearer)

      • assists the President, including acting as President should they be unavailable, or this role is unfilled
      • supports other P&C members as required
      • bank signatory

      (Office bearer)

      • manages P&C funds and financial records, including annual budget
      • receives and deposits P&C income
      • ensures there are adequate controls and safeguards in funds, and ensures that the P&C remains solvent and does not operate if insolvent
      • manages P&C insurance and ACT P&C Council Association membership
      • pays P&C expenses and staff wages and superannuation
      • prepares annual P&C accounts and organises annual review of financial statements
      • prepares quarterly Business Activity Statements to ATO
      • reports on P&C finances to P&C meetings and the the AGM
      • manages and tracks canteen financials
      • acts as point of contact between the P&C and the Office of Regulatory Services (ORS)/Access Canberra
      • lodges Annual Returns and notifies ORS/Access Canberra of P&C committee and other changes, and
      • this position must be held by a resident of the ACT who is over the age of 18 years.

      (Office bearer) 

      • prepares and distributes meeting agendas, and records and circulates meeting minutes
      • gives notice of meetings via mentions or posts in the school newsletter, website or Facebook site
      • receives and tables incoming correspondence
      • maintains P&C records.
      Events & Fundraising Coordinator/s
      • coordinates events and fundraising activities inline with P&C objectives
      • discusses fundraising/event opportunities and /or reports on events and fundraising activities and priorities to P&C general meetings
      • develops and maintains an event calendar
      • presents budgetary requirements for events requiring financial outlay for P&C approval
      • provides leadership to event coordinators (assisting them to plan and manage events/activities, consider risk management, food and drink purchasing, promotion, community awareness and coordination of volunteers)
      • liaises with the school/Principal to minimise event and activity overlaps (submits an event form)
      • where relevant, count funds and liaises with the Treasurer
      • establishes and maintains partnerships with local businesses to support social and fundraising events and activities.
      Uniform Shop Coordinator
      • manages the uniform shop including ordering and pricing stock, school liaison, opening times, volunteer roster (if required), promotions, stocktakes, counting funds and liaising with the Treasurer, and
      • reports on uniform shop activities and priorities to P&C meetings.
      • managers the online ordering business (once operational)
      • liaises with communications officer to coordinate Uniform Shop messaging through the school community e.g. Facebook, the school newsletter and website etc.
      Breakfast Club Coordinator
      • coordinates breakfast club including food purchases/donations and volunteer roster
      • reports on breakfast club activities and priorities to P&C meetings
      • liaises with communications officer to coordinate Breakfast Club messaging through the school community e.g. Facebook, the school newsletter and website etc.
      Communications Coordinator
      • shares P&C information between the P&C, Principal and school community via the school newsletter, P&C website and the Facebook site and other communications
      • promotes P&C activities and events via the school newsletter and any other communications
      • maintains/updates P&C communications such as the P&C page on the school website, and
      • reports on communication activities and priorities to P&C meetings.
      Canteen Coordinator (and/or sub-committee)
      • liaises with and supports canteen manager e.g. collaboration of ideas and day-to-day concerns etc.
      • reports on canteen activities and priorities to P&C meetings
      • liaises with communications officer to coordinate Latham Lunchbox messaging through the school community e.g. Facebook, the school newsletter and website etc.
      • liaises with the school, canteen and P&C for any conflict or changes to practice
      • liaises with Nutrition Australia when they conduct the yearly review
      • ensures the canteen WHS requirements specific to P&C are met
      • is a Flexi schools administrator
      • manages a list of volunteers who can relieve the canteen manager if they are sick or away.
      P&C Council Delegate
      • attends meetings of the ACT Council of P&C Associations (in person or online)
      • represents P&C views to the Council
      • reports back to the LPS P&C on ACT P&C Council items of interest.
      Grants and Submissions Coordinator
      • identifies grant opportunities and applies for grants
      • undertakes any reporting duties required under existing grants
      • liaises with communications officer to coordinate successful grant messaging through the school community e.g. Facebook, the school newsletter and website etc.
      Independent Auditor
      • required once a year, at the end of the school year
      • checks all P&C books and records, and reconciling those with their supporting documents, e.g. bank statements, receipts, invoices, etc.
      • provide details around any issues and any recommendations to the Treasurer.
      Website Developer
      • plans and develops the P&C website and updates the website as required.
      Donations coordinator
      • coordinates/facilitates requests to businesses for donations/prizes for various fundraising activities throughout the year
      • acknowledges and thanks businesses for their support.
      • supports the event.
      Gardens & Grounds Coordinator
      • liaises with the P&C, school/Principal, Board, families and local community regarding gardens and grounds improvements
      • coordinates parent engagement in gardens and grounds improvements including coordinating
      • volunteers, working bees, and promotion and community awareness
      • reports on gardens and grounds activities and priorities to P&C meetings.