Stronger together
How to become involved
The Committee are parents just like you, we volunteer some of our spare time with the aim of helping make a positive difference to our children’s experience at school.
We rely on many hands.
All offers of help make a difference, and we welcome new faces.
Regardless of how much time you have to give there are always plenty of ways you can help either on a regular basis or just as a one off. We encourage and welcome any and all involvement from our families.
Don’t forget all community members are all welcome to volunteer their time too. This includes parents, carers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, neighbours, family friends or grown up siblings.
What skills do I need?
You don’t need any skills or experience! Many of our past members have used the experience and skills they have learnt or developed as an opportunity to bolster their resumes. We work as a team so there is always plenty of support available.
All regular volunteers require a Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP) registration with the ACT Government. For more information about obtaining a free registration visit Access Canberra.
What can you do to help?
volunteer in the canteen for an hour or two (regularly or once off)
serve at the breakfast club for an hour before school (regularly or once off)
help out at events such as the stalls, movie nights, discos and working bees
come to the committee meetings even without an official role
participate in our surveys or requests for information
support our fundraisers
help to write grants, especially if you have the experience or the enthusiasm
sell raffle tickets before or after school
give donations of food and other items for fundraisers
seek donations from local businesses to make prizes for our families even better
participate in our reading program for our budding readers (regularly or once off)
share your ideas on ways to improve the school
sort lost property/second hand clothing pool
flip a sausage at a fundraising BBQ
coordinate a school fete, or just do a few hours on a stall
make informative videos and/or posters for our website
join one of our sub-committees such as the canteen or the garden sub-committees, this requires less time and concentrates your effort for a single common goal