Well parents, we’ve made it just past the halfway mark of the school year!!! 2021 has been a busy year for the P&C. Here’s an overview of what we’ve been up to and where to from here…..
Community Hub
The creation of the Community Hub in the After School Care building has been in a holding pattern as we wait for the removal of asbestos flooring (Note: the flooring is sealed and poses no risk to children in its current state).
Issue – while the Directorate will remove the flooring, they will not pay for new flooring to be installed. The quotes to replace the flooring have been approximately $19k which is outside of the scope of the Community Hub grant we received. The school, YMCA and P&C are currently looking at solutions.
The P&C would like to form a small sub-committee to oversee the development of the Community Hub. The role of the sub-committee will include general discussions/decisions regarding flooring, furnishings and seeking sponsorship/donations to contribute to the space etc. Separate to the sub-committee we will also require assistance with the practical set-up of the Hub such as painting, cabinetry skills, sewing, general cleaning etc. If you would like to be involved or want to know more, please contact thevicepresident.lathampandc@gmail.com.
ACT School Infrastructure Inquiry
On 2 February 2021 the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Education and Community Inclusion resolved to inquire into and report on the management of ACT school infrastructure. The Latham P & C Secretary Catherine Coe appeared before the Committee on 6 July and spoke about some of the infrastructure challenges faced by the school, and how the School, Latham P & C and the Directorate are working to address these. The inquiry will report to the Assembly later this year. Committees play an important role in the work of the Assembly, inquiring into and reporting on issues important to the Community. You can find more information about the Committee’s inquiry and the work of the Legislative Assembly at https://www.parliament.act.gov.au/parliamentary-business/in-committees/committees/eci/inquiry-into-the-management-of-act-school-infrastructure
Budget Direct Sponsorship – Outdoor Notice Boards
In efforts to open up various lines of communications with school parents and carers, the P&C are in the process of developing a Latham Primary School P&C website. However, noting not all families are digitally engaged, the P&C successfully applied for a $1000 Budget Direct Sponsorship to purchase and install two outdoor notice boards. We would love to know where you would like to see the two notice boards installed and what information you would like to see. Also perhaps you have a contact who can help with purchasing the notice boards at a reduced price?
Seeking Assistance
There are a number of exciting activities scheduled between now and the end of the year that require help in order to go ahead. The P&C are looking for volunteers to support these activities:
- Disco: Our next disco is scheduled for 21 August. We are looking for parents to help with admission, canteen sales and general supervision on the night.
- Parents and carers father’s day stall: Will be run at Preschool from 0830-9am on 31 August & 2 September and at the Primary school between 1130-1pm on 3 September.
- Mango fundraiser: Last year the P&C raised over $800 from the sales of the mango trays, not to mention made many households smell delicious. We are seeking a volunteer (or two) to help coordinate the mango drive this year. This role includes the coordination of orders (Sep-Oct), delivery and collection of mangos (Nov/Dec).
- Trivia Night: We would love to host an adult only trivia night in term 4. To make this happen we are seeking volunteers to help with admissions, canteen sales, set-up and pack-up of hall, a table of officials to mark and tally the answers and coordinate prize donations.
- Water fun day: Back by popular demand, the P&C would like to host another water day for the kids at the end of term 4. Although a date has not been set, in early term 4 we will be looking for volunteers.
If you would like to volunteer for any of these activities, please contact socialevents.lathampandc@gmail.com
Seeking Canteen Support
Our canteen is 100% owned and operated by the P&C. Unfortunately, to date we have not had anyone nominated as our Canteen Coordinator. In an attempt to resolve not having a single point of contact, in a recent newsletter we called for nominations for the formation of a canteen sub-committee. If you are interested in supporting the future of the Canteen, we would still love to speak with you!
On a positive note, we would like to thank the YMCA who will be providing ongoing support to Bonnie in the Canteen each Friday morning.
Seeking Treasurer for 2022
Sadly, this year we will be saying farewell to our treasurer Tarin O’Connor. In order to ensure continuity, we are seeking expressions of interest for this position. The treasurer manages the financial aspect of the P&C including the income and expenditure resulting from fundraising, the canteen and the uniform shop. Although the position won’t formally start until next year, we would like to identify a replacement this term so they can learn the ropes in term 4. If you are interested in learning more, please email treasurer.lathampandc@gmail.com.
Upcoming School Calendar Dates
- 13 August – Student Leadership Team Mufti day
- 15-20 August – Science week
- 20 August – Disco
- 23-27 August – Book week
- 26 August – Book Character dress-up day
- 27 August – LGBTIQA Wear Purple Day
- 31 August, 2 September, 3 September – Parents and Carers Father’s Day Stall
- 17 September – Footy Colours Day.
Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 24 August. We’d love to see you there!
In the meantime, find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/130356183703296
Thank you families, for all your time, support and enthusiasm!
Latham P&C Committee 2021